Now then, onto that overdue fundraising incentive I promised. This one is a challenge for all of you coffee and espresso drinkers. The premise is simple:
>>Fundraising Incentive #2
Make the commitment that for every dollar spent on a coffee, latte, mocha, cappuccino, frappuccino, WHATEVER, you'll donate a dollar to Boston Partners in Education.
I'm going to put my money where my mouth is on this one. For every coffee/espresso drink that I purchase from now until Marathon Monday, I'm going to match that purchase with a donation equal to it on my Firstgiving page. I'll list whatever drink I had that day in the "Comments" section, so you can stalk my coffee consumption if you really want to. =) My goal is ultimately to cut back on my coffee-drinking while donating a little at a time to a wonderful cause at the same time.

Join me! Feel free to substitute your own money-sucking habit: maybe you're more addicted to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream than espresso drinks. Whatever it is, match every purchase of that item with a donation to a truly wonderful cause. There will be some kind of awesome, cheesy reward in April (tbd) for anyone who gets onboard.
Finally, if any of you have any ideas for a name for this idea, please post a comment. The only thing that keeps popping into my brain is "Bad Habits for Kids"--but even I can see that's terrible.
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