The following paragraph is the most important thing I have ever posted on this blog:
As the Day of Reckoning nears, let me sincerely thank everyone who has supported me through this adventure. If you sent me a text, sent me a check, stopped by my desk to ask about last weekend's run, stopped by my blog to leave a comment, donated to my Firstgiving page, helped with a water stop, ran alongside me in a weekday run, listened to me ramble incessantly about yesterday's weekday run, or encouraged me to undertake this crazy adventure in the first place--you rock. I couldn't have conquered the training and fundraising undertaking without the outpouring of support from family, friends, and new friends. As wonderful a circle of people with which I know I'm surrounded, your support has been even greater than I imagined. Thank you.
And thanks to all of you, I have raised $4,100.00 for Boston Partners in Education so far! That is truly incredible, and I can assure you that you're supporting a nonprofit with a wonderful mission--as well as supporting me! Double thank you for helping me to surpass my fundraising goal.
As I type, I am currently on my way to New York City for the first time (buses with Wi-Fi--who knew?) A somewhat last minute, pre-marathon weekend out of town is proving to be both a fantastic and terrible decision.
Fantastic! Speedy vacation-planning has done an incredible job of keeping my mind off of the marathon. Someone at work came by and asked if I was ready for Monday; I replied with genuine wonder, "What's Monday?" I even forgot to check the April 19 forecast yesterday until reminded about it by a friend! Though now that I've just reminded myself, perhaps I'll go check it again now...
I'm especially thankful for the unexpected blessing of distraction as I watch a few of my teammates... I don't want to say "freak out," but it's clear that the Boston is the prominent thing on their minds. Don't get me wrong, I'm at my highest point of freaking out (now I'll say it!) as well, but the anxiety is mostly for the NYC trip at this point. It will be switched back to the Marathon the moment get off of the bus in Boston on Saturday, get on the T, and go directly to the Expo to pick up my bib.
Terrible! There are certain things you need to do the weekend before a marathon, and being out of town makes many of them a bit more difficult. For example, Coach Rick's recommendation of sticking to foods you know will be nearly impossible without access to my kitchen at home. Carb loading three days prior to the race would also be easier if I was doing the grocery shopping, but I imagine ordering pasta Friday night should take care of that. It also helps that Saturday and Sunday will be spent back in Boston, so I'll be able to stay off my feet on Sunday as Coach also wisely recommended. And anyway, finally getting a taste of NYC = so worth it!
In case I don't have a chance to post again before the Marathon, another sincere thanks to everyone who has kept up on this blog! It always means a lot to me when folks ask a question about something I posted or leave a comment. So, specifically to you reader, thanks! I honor you with this creepy baby:

Wish me luck in the Big Apple, and I swear my mind will be much more focused on the marathon next time I post. (Read: don't you worry; we'll get back to the million-word posts again soon enough!)
Good luck in New York, Kelly! And you're right, we're not freaking out per se, just very, very...focused. :) See you on Saturday, bib card in hand!
Much appreciated, friend! Keep the office sanity. =)
that IS a creepy baby! but you're not creepy, you're amazing! hope you are having fun fun fun in nyc! SEE YOU TOMORROW!
Danke and back atcha, LL! See you [now] today TO PICK UP OUR BIBS!
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