For any who have not yet seen, an article I wrote about marathon training was featured in my hometown newspaper--on the front page!! Check it out here:
http://www.laureloutlook.com/articles/2010/03/03/news/01kelly.txtI promise a post about the EPIC 19-miler is on its way, Anonymous commenter...
empty promises :(
Pretty soon we're running 20! How can we move forward without your tale of rain and woe?
You are both right! I shall not sleep tonight until I have caught up posting about the recent long runs. Expect one heck of a post this evening.
Love to my readers!
ummmmm.......... it's no longer march 23rd in Boston. I'll still give you credit if a post shows up before you are asleep. Too late................
Oh ye of little faith! Posted before I went to sleep, as promised. Now to bed so I can wake up and run some more...
Great article in your hometown newspaper! Looking forward to seeing you, Erin and Laura cross the finish line!
Thanks so much, Gary! And thanks again for standing outside in the *pouring* rain on our 19-miler--I can't believe I forgot to include it in the post, but you and Bob were Laura and I's ONLY water stop! I have no idea what we would have done without you!!
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