I was sure 4 was going to kill me, but it turns out that running 4 miles along the Charles with friends is infinitely easier than 3 miles alone on a treadmill. (This may also have been due to what I'm guessing was a slightly slower pace than my usual, but no complaints here!!) Add in the most inspirational coach a person could ask for and lovely autumn weather, and today's run turned out to be a wonderful start to my morning. That's the first Saturday I've been dressed and showered before 10 for a long time. =)
Plus, I've now run outside! Today's run might be cheating considering my training buddies were a huge help in setting a manageable pace, but I'm still happy to have leaped that hurdle--psychologically, if nothing else.
It was interesting to hear various team members talk about their desired times for the Boston. Our team members are all at various levels of running--some have run the Boston before; some have run half marathons before; and some (me) know nothing about running, didn't even go out for track in high school, have never entered a race of any kind, but are still crazy enough to think they can do this. For my own personal marathon goal, I'd like to finish. And not die. (Those are not listed in order of importance.)
At the close of this week, I'd like to send a big shout-out to each of my first donors so far. Many, many thanks to Jim, Deb, Walt, my Grammy & Grandpa, and an anonymous donor! I couldn't do this without you folks' generosity; I certainly appreciate it!
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