I promised I would post some fundraising incentives; it's high time I started on that! I'm hoping that various incentives will appeal to various groups of people who read this. I'll start with an incentive that will probably mostly interest runners (or aspiring runners) who live in the Boston area.
To fully appreciate how cool this incentive is, I first need to brag up our TEAM's awesome running coach, Coach Rick Muhr. These are just a few highlights of his stellar running career:
Rick has completed 36 marathons, including 8 Boston Marathons®. All were qualifiers. Rick's personal record was achieved at the Chicago Marathon, which he completed in a staggering 2:33. That works out to an average of 5 minutes and 50 seconds per mile!!
In 1983, Rick was ranked fifth in the country at the 100K (62 miles, for those of us non-metrics). In 2004, Rick participated in "Run Across Massachusetts," running 165 miles in 5 days from the NY border to the State House in Boston to raise awareness and money for the Special Olympics.
Rick knows his stuff. So, onto the incentive...
>>Fundraising Incentive #1
For any donations of $50 or more, you will be officially invited to a running workshop hosted by Coach Rick Muhr. Just donate through my Firstgiving page, and in the space provided for a comment, mention that you're interested in the running workshop. (Either include your email address in the comment as well, or send me a message through the Comment feature of this blog with some way to get in touch with you.)
Coach Rick specializes in running efficiency, which in the short amount of time I've spent as his coachee, I can already attest to. This would be a fantastic opportunity to learn about all aspects of running from an absolute professional.
Feel free to contact me (comments on this blog are always welcome) if you have any questions. Many thanks to Coach Rick for offering to host this wonderful event!