I had the best of intentions to run 13 miles with my usual running group this past Saturday. However, the time slipped my mind and I accidentally scheduled a trip to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science (which was pretty sweet, by the way) at the same time instead. By the time I returned from a day out at the MOS and around town, I was hardly motivated enough to go for a long run by myself. I decided to run 13 the next day.
Sunday's plan was to meet a group of friends for a lunch of Dim Sum--delicious, but stomach-cramp-causing for some reason. My stomach was completely back to normal after only an hour or so of letting it settle on my couch... about the time I was gearing up for the Colts/Jets game.
I decided this wasn't a problem. I was sure that the game would be a blow-out, so when Manning had his team up by 14 points at the half, I'd go for my run and be back to my house in time for the Sunday's second all-important game.
The Colts game, inevitably, was not a blowout--great to watch, but not great for the run. The Vikes/Saints game was even more gripping, so by the time OT of the second game was finished, it was after 10 PM. I briefly considered running my 13 miles then, but decided it might be safer to do an early morning run the next day before work instead.
At 4:15 AM this morning, my alarm went off. I laughed, shut it off, and went back to bed.
I still have to run my 13 miles. I've mapped out a simple route; I've loaded my MP3 player with a plethora of 90 BPM songs; and though it looks like it's will be raining for the rest of the night, I will get it done. That may be the primary motivation behind posting this, actually: Now that it's in writing, I am bound!
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